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Hamburg Gaming’s Earth Day effort sets record for electronics waste collection

Delaware North-operated Hamburg Gaming, near Buffalo, N.Y., set a new record at its Fourth Annual Electronic Recycling Event on Earth Day (April 22).
Members of the Hamburg Gaming staff partnered with SunnKing, a local electronics recycler, to collect unwanted and malfunctioning televisions, computers and monitors from the community. This year’s eventelectronicwaste360-5641270 yielded 39 pallets – a total of 26,058 pounds or 13 tons – of electronic waste and required SunnKing, which initially sent one 53-foot trailer to haul the collection, to send an additional truck.
“We had six pallets of electronics that wouldn’t fit on the trailer,” said John Trifilo, facilities manager at Hamburg Gaming. “They had to send a second truck to pick those up.”
The total collection was a little more than 10,000 pounds heavier than the gaming venue’s previous high.
“The last time we filled one of their trailers, we collected over 16,000 pounds of electronic scrap,” said Scott Hill, senior business analyst at Hamburg Gaming. “We smashed our collection record with this year’s total.”
SunnKing will either refurbish and resell the items or break them down and sell the scrap to be repurposed into other products.
A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated to Camp Good Days & Special Times.