Yavapai Lodge in Grand Canyon National Park has a new outdoor food service patio.
While a patio seems like a simple concept to implement, the environmental and architectural concerns and restrictions placed on the location of the new space led to the need for three years of careful planning before the construction could begin.
Overhauls that needed to be made before the construction of the patio include the storm drain, sewers, water and electric mains and telephone lines.
Additionally, Delaware North Project Manager John Bridges worked with the construction crew to prevent environmental harm while the patio was being built. Trees were carefully protected during the construction, and the hard surfaces were designed to allow percolation.
The result of years of careful planning and a controled construction process is a beautiful patio with an excellent scenic view, perfect for visitors looking to experience the natural beauty of the park while dining.
To celebrate the completion of the patio, Executive Chef Justin Warnat revamped the Yavapai Tavern menu with several themed items. New logos and designs were drafted to accommodate the new menu, and the new meals have been well-received by guests, according to the team onsite.
PHOTO CAPTION: Delaware North’s team at Yavapai Lodge in Grand Canyon National Park strikes a pose on the new outdoor food service patio. From left to right are Tisha Cly, Jonathan Rivera, Robert Curry El, Bianca Holderman, Josh Anderson, James Seaman, Jessie Grissom, Dan Lyle, Corey Carter, Justin Warnat, Troy Harmon, Juliana Cormier, Ashley Claw, Aurora Jackson, Keith Bell, Cassidy Nichols, James Hansen, Masha Ceglia, Ian Anderson, Randall Allen and Crim Darryl.