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Media Advisory: Potential Government Shutdown

While no official confirmation has been received, be advised that in the event of a government shutdown, Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is prepared to be fully operational, including Kennedy Space Center Bus Tours and Apollo/Saturn V Center.

Admission includes Heroes & Legends featuring the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame, Space Shuttle Atlantis®, Shuttle Launch Experience, Astronaut Encounter, Rocket Garden, IMAX space films and Journey To Mars: Explorers Wanted. Kennedy Space Center Bus Tours to the Apollo/Saturn V Center will also be available.

Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex is operated for NASA by Delaware North and is not supported by government or tax-payer funding and therefore is able to remain open.

We will be sharing the latest developments as they are received. Updates will also be posted to the website,, and on Facebook and Twitter @ExploreSpaceKSC.