Our question-and-answer series with members of Delaware North’s global GreenPath team continues. This week, we caught up with Hael Musa, who serves as a regulatory and compliance officer for Delaware North’s parks and resorts business in Australia.
How did you become involved in your location’s GreenPath program?
The GreenPath ambassador role is a natural extension of my position at Delaware North. I am a compliance associate in the parks and resorts division of the Australian business; with our resorts being located in environmentally sensitive areas, a predominant part of my role is ensuring that our resorts adopt processes and procedures that help preserve the environment and also comply with the environmental regulations that apply to the area.
What GreenPath accomplishment are you most proud of?
I don’t think it’s fair to compare one accomplishment against another on this topic. Any measure that helps Mother Earth makes me proud! Across our resorts, there are a range of initiatives that show our GreenPath program being put into action, including:
Kings Canyon Resort
- Usage renewable energy for electricity. Recently installed solar panels across the resort to allow for this.
- Changing all the lights at the resort to LED lighting. LED lights last up to six times longer than other lights, meaning lower carbon emissions.
- Energy saving tags are on every air conditioner. This ensures that the air conditioner is not being used when people are not around.
Lizard Island
- Recycling management program in place (ie separating plastic, cardboard, glass and cans).
- Effective water management system in place, where the resort has saved close to 30 million litres over the past year.
- Changing all the lights at the resort to LED lighting. LED lights last up to six times longer than other lights, meaning lower carbon emissions.
- Swapping plastic water bottles with metal refillable bottles for all guests.
El Questro
- Extensive recycling management program where cans, plastic and cardboard are crushed, recycled and then sold. All proceeds are donated to various charities.
Do you have any simple tips that other locations and associates could adapt to become
more GreenPath-friendly?
There are a variety of tips that people have heard before (i.e. turn off the lights, recycling compost or turn off leaking taps, etc.), so I am not sure that I have anything further to add. However, my “simple tip” would be to assess what your relationship is with the environment. When you can realize that the environment is an inseparable part of who you are as an individual, then naturally people will start to adopt practices that benefit the environment without it being any effort.
PHOTO CAPTION: Hael Musa, a regulatory and compliance officer, also supports Delaware North’s
environmental stewardship platform, GreenPath.